
The IPChain distributed registry was created and operates in accordance with the requirements approved by Russia's Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media.

The distributed IPChain network is built on the basis of a stack of software products (basic software):

  • HyperLedger Fabric

    A distributed ledger of transactions, which uses, among other things, the following software products

  • CouchDB

    A database containing transactions with rights and the current state of items in the distributed ledger

  • Kafka

    A message broker used for organizing a queue for the registration of transactions and writing to blocks

  • ZooKeeper

    Contains the configuration and current state of the queue service nodes

  • PostgreSQL

    A combination of relational and document databases, which contain a copy of the distributed ledger and are used to speed up a primary search and get statistics

  • Go, Golang

    The IPChain-distributed network-specific software development language

HyperLedger Fabric - a platform for building solutions using blockchain technologies, developed by the Apache Foundation consortium in conjunction with IBM. The main contributors to the platform changes are employees of the IBM Research division.

HyperLedger Fabric allows you to create a register (database), distributed among all network participants. Information about changes in the records of the database is placed in blocks generated per unit of time or upon reaching the maximum number of records in one block. Each block contains a hash record obtained by taking into account information about the previous block, including its content. The presence of hash records connects blocks into a single, indissoluble and immutable chain of blocks, i.e. blockchain technology.

The presence of the original information about transactions in successive blocks ensures the information's immutability and guarantees its safety. Once posted, information can never be lost or changed again. This is a fundamental difference between the HyperLedger Fabric platform from decentralized systems based on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchain technologies, which only contain a hash from the transaction records in a third-party database in their blockchain, which does not allow them (the transaction records in the database) to be restored in case of any information change or loss.


Members of the IPCHAIN ​​network themselves form the standards for the description, storage, and distribution of intellectual property items in the digital environment. The only condition for all participants in the network is to openly publish such standards before the transaction about the creation of an item appears in the network. 

Musical works

  • alternate

    An array of item name synonyms.

  • translit

    An array of item names written in transliteration.

  • comment


Storage Formats: mp3, wav, flac, midi, txt, word, pdf